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Helping Sales Teams & High Achievers Get Mind Blowing Results in as Little as 4-Hours

Writer's picture: Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhDChristopher H. Loo, MD-PhD

Updated: Oct 27, 2022



Note: transcription provided by Otter.AI, which is a technology company that develops speech-to text transcription and translation applications using artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: So welcome, everybody to this week's podcast episode for the Financial Freedom for Physicians Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Christopher Loo. And as you know, we started out with physician guests and physician listeners and the brand. And reach has expanded. So now we have business owners, investors, entrepreneurs, both as guests and as listeners. So hopefully, both parties can benefit. And we talked about four different types of freedom: financial, time, location, and emotional freedom. So today, I am very happy to introduce you to Kim Lebbing. She's a business owner and success and mindset coach, and she's going to tell you all about her work and how she helps clients get unstuck. So, Kim, welcome.

Kimberly Lebbing: Thank you. Thanks for having me on your podcast. I'm excited to be here.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, we had met through PodMatch. And we were talking backstage. And you have some really interesting ideas and perspectives that I'd like the listeners to take away from. So tell us more about your background, your bio, and we'll go from there.

Kimberly Lebbing: Okay. Absolutely. So, I'm a success and mindset coach. My background is in neuro linguistics. I really fell in love with it some years ago. Over 22 years ago, I started out as a business owner, and it was both freeing and also frustrating at the same time. I learned really quickly that the biggest obstacle was myself. And I literally spent years trying to help myself get better and get past the inconsistency and procrastination. And some of the thoughts that we have as business owners and entrepreneurs in our heads.

And I ran across the system that was introduced to it by a friend and fell in love with it, because it was the only thing that actually worked. And that stuck. So I didn't have to keep revisiting or remembering, it actually changed the way I was thinking. And, it stuck. And it worked. And so I became obsessed and got a whole lot of certifications in this area. So that's kind of how I got started.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Oh, interesting. We'll talk about all of that. I find NLP is really interesting. It's kind of like how you use language and tie it to your emotions and thoughts and to produce tangible outcomes.

So yeah, we'll talk about some of the resources later, but we'll just start with how successful people think, and how is it different from the mainstream?

Kimberly Lebbing: Oh, gosh, where do I start with that? I think that even for me, because I came from the corporate world. And so I'll just tell you how I was. You don't think about it as much when you're working for someone, about your personal growth. But if you are in sales, or you're an entrepreneur, you become painfully aware that whatever is going on up here that your thoughts affect everything else. It affects your sales, it affects your ability to move forward. And the more you're in your head, it'll literally stop you. And one of the things that I talk to people about is how your relationships at home, and even past, how it affects what you do today. It affects your behaviors, it affects your decisions and every single piece.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, it's so interesting. I was reading an article the other day, talking about strife in the family. And it's better to have less strife in a more supportive spouse. And that way you can help eliminate distractions and help you focus. So that was quite enlightening.

Okay, so when you talk about minds. What did you have to overcome to get where you are now?

Kimberly Lebbing: So I’ll tell you a little bit of my history. So growing up, my parents were really, really young when they got married, and, and kind of grew up they themselves grew up in a rough situation. So I grew up in a home where my dad was very verbally abusive. And I struggled in school, I struggled socially, struggled in relationships. And that's probably the biggest piece that I had to overcome.

One thing I like to share, though. I had these things, these negative things that happened to me. But also, he was a farmer. I'm a very hard worker, because I saw what he does. I've also, my entrepreneurial bug that I have, I got from both my parents, my mom and my dad. So there were a lot of positives. But when I was going through it, I didn't see it that way. And it wasn't until later, and overcoming those things and really getting past them, that I was able to see the good. And that is the secret to moving on past things is learning the lesson.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Hmm, I like that, learning the lesson. And I think one of my mentors was saying that life is happening for you, and not for you. And what if your worst day was your greatest gift? So it's interesting to think about that, in terms of that perspective. So, it's really interesting, because you have a journey, and then you've gone through this process of self growth and development. What are some of the hidden barriers that hold people back?

Kimberly Lebbing: Oh, gosh, so many things that people don't think about. A lot of times people will think that, Well, the reason I'm not moving forward, or the reason I'm not getting to this next level, they think it's something very surface level. And if you can imagine, like an iceberg, I know you've seen these analogies, and we look at the stuff that's above the surface. But our subconscious is the 90% that's below it, that people don't even see. And you don't even know. And then what we end up doing is we try to solve subconscious problems with conscious level efforts. And that's what I did. I literally did that for years.

So you hear about impostor syndrome, or struggling with just, even procrastination or inconsistency, any of those things, they're very surface level, they're not the real problem. And when you can get below that surface, really that's where you can really make change at a subconscious level. And then you don't have to keep trying to do stuff that you like, consciously or subconsciously, they're not aligned. Because once you fix those, they're fixed. You don't have to keep trying so hard.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, that's really interesting. When you alluded to the statement you made, when you were talking about where you're trying to solve unconscious problems with consciousness. And then there's a surface level where you can't get below. That's really fascinating. Describe some examples where you were able to get beneath that surface and start to affect change?

Kimberly Lebbing: Sure, sure. I'll talk about one of my past clients I had that she had struggled with, she said [it was] imposter syndrome, she said it was fear of success. And her business was that she wanted to hire a team. She wanted to expand and grow her business. And she just wasn't able to, because she was still a little bit in the solo. She had a couple of employees, but a little more in the solopreneur space, and just not able to expand. And what I do, I have a series of questions that I ask. And so we really drill down to what the real problem was. And one of the questions I ask is, how is that a problem? So if it's fear of success, how is that a problem and you keep drilling down?

And for her, it ended up being trust. I mean, you can see right away that if you don't trust, it's really hard to hire people. It's really hard to make decisions without even trusting yourself. And this is stuff that she had thought she worked through years and years and years ago stuff that happened in her past and I think she was a teenager when something fairly traumatic had happened to her. And she thought she resolved it. But neurologically, she was still playing through that old pattern. And then once she fixed it, she skyrocketed. I mean, her business really skyrocketed after fixing that problem. And that fit that very big first step was finding that underlying problem. And for her it was trust. And I find that that's a common one for people that want to grow and haven't been able to. There's a trust issue.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Oh, interesting. Wow, I gained a lot of insight. So it usually boils down to some emotional or traumatic event in the past, and then issues with no control or trust or some underlying issue tied to emotional need. Which is really fascinating.

Kimberly Lebbing: Yeah, yeah. And I will say that it's not always traumatic. And that is a trick, because sometimes it's something that you think is really insignificant. Because when we are those years, from zero to seven, when we're in those imprint years, all the people that are significant in our lives that were around, they may have said something in front of us, or maybe we observed the behavior that they did. And even if it's not traumatic imprints on us, and it affects our behaviors later.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah. You mentioned coaching; what mistakes do business owners and entrepreneurs commonly make when it comes to reaching their next level of success?

Kimberly Lebbing: So I said something about impostor syndrome, but I think that a lot of times, people will get to the next level, and then they have a whole new set of new problems, because they haven't been there before. So balancing their work life with their family life. And again, I don't know if true balance really happens, but how you perceive it, and, and eliminating the guilt of oh, I'm working on my business. And when I'm feeling guilty about working on my business, I feel guilty about neglecting my family or my friends, or vice versa. So that's definitely a mistake.

And then also, when they get to that next level, not really seeing themselves in that new role. And then sometimes they end up trailing back, they end up slipping right back into old behaviors. And that's because they didn't fix the underlying problems. So it's like the gym. In January, and everybody goes, and they're all like fired up to keep going to the gym and, and then a few weeks in like, everybody's gone. But literally, all these people that think they're going to turn over a new leaf are running these subconscious programs that were never addressed. And that is why they slip back into old behavior.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Oh, yeah. That's quite interesting. Yeah, I love the analogy of the two week New Year's resolution, and then after that, the gym is empty.

You talked a lot about things like resources, getting people started. What were some of the resources that helped you help others overcome and break through barriers?

Kimberly Lebbing: So I go through a set of questions as far as resources go. I have some downloads on my website that people can access if they want them. But asking yourself questions and taking that time, pull out a journal.

So if you've found an area, in your business or in your life, business or relationships, it's all related. Identify what the problem is, and then start asking more questions. So what is the real problem? So what is this affecting? What other areas of life is that affecting? Because when you can drill that down, that's when you're starting to get below the surface. And that's when you can make the change because once you're aware of it, it's no longer subconscious. And you've brought it up here to the conscious level. And that's when you can really tackle it and change it.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah. And then, you also talk about your unique four rapid results process that helps clients rapidly shift minds and ignites emotions, motivation, and helps them to take massive action. So tell us more about that.

Kimberly Lebbing: Oh, sure. So that's my own program. So I told you, in the beginning, I was really obsessed with this process. And so I got a lot of different certifications from different places. And so what I did the first time I had gone through this process, I had a friend who had gone through it, and she took me through a one day process. And in one day, she fixed things that I had struggled with literally for years. So that's what really motivated me to seek training. And so I put together a combination of strategies using NLP techniques and evolved NLP techniques neuro linguistic programming. And I put together this four hour process.

And it's literally four hours. And identify the problem, we discover what caused it, and we pull that sucker out by the roots, so that it doesn't keep happening again. And then I've got another process where I get people into action on whatever it is their goal. So if you think of a computer that's moving slow; you remove the virus, and then once the virus is removed, you can upload a new program, and then you can see massive action. So it really is four hours. Some people asked me, is it divided up? Is it four weeks? And I'm like, No, it really is just it's a four hour block, and we just fix it in half a day.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: What sort of results have you seen with clients that have actually gone through this process?

Kimberly Lebbing: Thank you. So I have a client who I mentioned earlier, she ended up increasing her sales by 68%. It was just a little over 60 days, under 90 days that she did this. And she was the one that struggled with trust. I have another client that struggled with inconsistency. He ended up taking a business to over a million and a year.

And it was the same thing. He had stuff that he thought he resolved, but he hadn't. It was the old program that was running. And then I worked with sales teams too. And I've got one team I'm working with now that they knock on doors they have a tough I mean it's a really tough mindset thing. And I've helped them with personal issues and going through divorces and things from the past and every single one of them is meeting their goals. Every single one, so it works. I've never had it not work to be honest.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, this is a really fascinating conversation. I really love your energy and your vibe and really talking about just the mental psychological barriers that prevent us from becoming our full selves and reaching our full potential. So I know a lot of listeners in the audience are interested in learning more about you visiting your website and or even working with you. So how can they do that?

Kimberly Lebbing: Oh, absolutely. So you can connect with me on social media. I'm on LinkedIn, Kimberly Lebbing. I'm on Facebook. And then you can go to my website, I have webinars on there that are free. I've got free downloads, you can sign up for any one of those, and I'd be happy to connect.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah. Thanks. Thanks so much. We really enjoyed this conversation and we look forward to hearing more about your future successes.

Kimberly Lebbing: Thank you so much for having me today. I appreciate it.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Many thanks again for being here. If you’re new, you can find me online at Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD, where I have links to other episodes or links to online resources that will support you on your financial literacy journey. I’ll see you there in on next week’s show. While I bring you thoroughly vetted information on this show regarding a variety of financial topics, I cannot promise you a one size fits all solution. This is why I caution you to continue to learn. Educate yourself and seek professional advice unique to your situation. If you want to talk to me, I welcome it. Please reach out via my website or email at I read and personally respond to all of my emails. Talk soon!


Editor's note: This transcript has been edited for brevity and clarity.


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