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Changing Lives Through Creative Content

Writer's picture: Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhDChristopher H. Loo, MD-PhD

Updated: Mar 24, 2022


Note: transcription provided by Otter.AI, which is a technology company that develops speech-to-text transcription and translation applications using artificial intelligence and machine learning.


Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Welcome everybody to this week's episode. And today's guests, we have two very special guests, a couple powerhouse, host and founder of the podcast and BS Free MD. We have Dr. Tim and Dr. May, from Eugene, Oregon. And they have a fantastic podcast, a great platform where they expose the BS in the medical profession. And they bring on some very interesting guests that help to show the viewers behind the scenes. So without ado, I will introduce Dr. Tim and May and will let them tell their story. Dr. Timmy, welcome.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: Thank you so much for having us.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: Thanks so much. We're excited to be here. This is super fun.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, we're all part of this group called the Doctors Podcast Network. And we're here to really help each other grow and really collaborate. So tell us about how the BS Free MD podcast got started, your background, your motivations, I'm always curious, like, what was the superpower behind the creation?

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: I guess I'll start. So as what happened to everybody when COVID hit, it really turned everyone's lives upside down. We both had done tons of reading like, we're reading hours a day on this because if there was new information, it was like drinking out of a firehose

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: and tell them that we will be like many other people who were scheduled to go on our nice annual vacation, literally April 1. And then obviously, we were going nowhere. And we volunteered to sort of furlough at home for I think it was two or three weeks, and were stuck at home with nothing else to do but stare at the TV like everybody else watched the Johns Hopkins ticker drop and research.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: Yeah, so we had been practicing rural family medicine in urgent care for just about 30 years. And I've seen a lot of different medicines, made a lot of really powerful connections in our community, as far as patients it felt like I delivered half of the two towns that I worked in. And patients were just like pinging us and reaching out in every way; old patients, old friends, all this, like, what's the deal with this COVID? What's gonna happen? is everyone gonna die? And so we just started reading, we felt it was really our responsibility to read as much as we could and try to decipher what was going on.

So we started Facebook livestreams, and they were, they kind of blew us away, like, we'd have almost 200 People live, get five or 10,000 views after and we're like,

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: basically, I was like, I'm getting tired of answering all these questions. Let's just do a live stream. Let them ask questions live and then they can watch it back. So we don't have to do this like 100 times during the week.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: And so we're like, okay maybe we can move this into the podcast world. I always felt that if I had any job, I could just pick, and it could replace my income, maybe by listening to the radio I listened to. I listened to tons of podcasts and Talk Radio and so forth over the years, and I just love that format. You kind of get the radio voice. Yeah, I need you to start smoking cigarettes, though to get the FM.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: The other part that you didn't say too, is that both of us being physicians, dual physicians, I mean, our poor kids. So we are always like talking shop at home all the time and talking about things that we're doing at work, whether it's the right thing, discussing new therapies, things that we're having to do, and just like, analyzing it, critiquing it, and finally, we're like, why don't we, why don't we just share this? People would eat this up. And then after having done the live stream, they really liked how we fed off each other, and how we played off each other. And we don't always agree on things either. And so they love watching that interaction between us as well as our differing opinions. So it almost became a no-brainer as time went on. We're like, Yeah, this is gonna work. And we should definitely push forward with the podcast thing. So how do we do that? And that then takes us to how we got to Doctor Podcast Network.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: Yeah. And they were unbelievably supportive. We had been in communication with the founder before, just with regards to some financial things, and his financial business and then the network of people, the unbelievable physicians that we met through this, and then just the support. I've never felt old until we started podcasting. And, and we're, everything's online, and everything's a new app, and a new format. And I was just like, Oh, my goodness, I know what it’s like to feel old.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: when they said, I’ll ping you on Slack. And he's like, it just sounds like a bunch of like, gobbledygook to me. What? Like, what is ping? What is Slack? But anyway, so we launched our podcast. Finally we figured out what to do and had all the help from DPN. We couldn't have done it without them. They're awesome for newbies like us. And so our podcast launched in January. So they drop every Thursday, Apple, Spotify, iHeart. And I don't if I missed one, but we have dropped. Yeah. So we have been doing that every Thursday, and have a blast. Now. We're on episode number 18, 19 coming out this week?

We basically are just putting things out there with different content, like we've talked about the opioid crisis, the opioid epidemic, how we've known it through our careers and how the pendulum has swung, we've interviewed the author of Fentanyl Inc. Well, yeah, which was amazing. We have started doing a series on the doctor as a patient, and what that's like to be a patient from the doctor's perspective. We've done some COVID talks.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: And then don't forget the best of every month, which is Doctales with Cocktails, where we make a spirit or cocktail. We're looking for alcohol sponsors, so anyone out there, and and we have a couple drinks and we share the lighter side of what's happened to us over 30 years of I honestly thought that I've seen everything and then something else happens at work, and I go no, I guess.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: Yeah, I remember that. It's like, yeah, we've seen it all. And you're right, something comes in. I'm like, Okay, I guess we're naive to some new things.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: Did we ever do the one where I was driving 150 miles?

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: Yes, we did that one. Yeah, we did. We did stupid things we've done as doctors, stupid things we've been done as patients. We talked about when Tim worked with his appendix ruptured, and then he had to drive himself to the hospital and how it ruined our weekend, and my ortho and woes and things, and illnesses. and dumb things we've done trying. He did his first marathon and we share that story. It's super funny. We had just finished residency. We thought we were going to be heroes and stole all these IVs and bags of fluid and it's on the lawn of the Parliament Buildings in Victoria BC. And we're like, we're gonna hydrate you after the dump. All we did was fill his bladder. You can barely make it to the Porta Potty.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: And up and I got like these wooden legs and I'm like this was completely,

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: Anyway, we have fun doing those episodes, because it's really pretty loose. It's not structured and we just laugh at things we've done. So we have Video Awards, we make fun of some of the funny things everybody's seen in the name of COVID, that kind of stuff. So that's where we're at, and we're loving it.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: Absolutely.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: That's awesome. I love that story. And for the viewers and listeners every podcast is different. It has its own vibe, and it has its own ways of interaction. So that's the beauty of podcasting is the spontaneity, the authenticity, and just the stories and sharing. So, I love that the pandemic was actually the best year for creatives, because we had the internet, we had social media, and everybody was stuck at home. So people got creative, and actually new businesses came about and in a lot of industries, like the work industry, and remote from home, and all of these are changing the world. So, it's awesome that you guys took something in crisis, and you created something out of it. So now it's a beautiful thing.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: All it took it is to push us over the edge and off the cliff to like, just get doing it. Yeah, so you're right.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah. So tell us like, in terms of creation, like, what are some of your most challenging in terms of launching a podcast, starting a podcast? I know, there's a lot of people interested, they have YouTube channels and Instagram, but now they want to venture out into the podcast format, you have clubhouse now. So what are some of the tips and tricks? And feel free to share that?

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: Well honestly, for us, the hardest part was the technical aspect. Neither of us were super, I mean, I'm technically adept, if it's fixing an old car. But as far as I know, the electronic technology, and the interfaces using Libsyn, and squadcast, and how all those have to work together. And then getting the approvals for all of the publishing sites like Apple and Spotify and so forth. And we found that the DPN was just indispensable in making that happen.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: So we farmed that out, like, I would say, we'll record it. But then we just hire someone to mix the sound. And so when we record our interviews, which we use Squadcast, which actually we really like a lot, it worked really well. And I would definitely pitch that one for sure. But when you do the interview, and it records it, then you have these two soundtracks, you have the guest, and you have you. And the first time we went back to listen to that, the first interview we did, which was with Ben Westhoff, the author of Fentanyl Inc, we hit play, and all we could hear was us. And we're like, oh, no, like, we've got the we had like this hour and a half of this wonderful guy. And we blew it. Yeah, two full episodes. And we're like, oh, so basically, we didn't know these things. And we, so it's, and we don't know how to mix them. I mean, it's probably not hard, but it's not our forte. So we have an audio guy that does that for us. So if that's not your thing, you can farm it out, or I would say, have to hire someone else to do it. There's lots of people that do the audio. And a lot of people just do it themselves. I know that a roadcaster is a really popular tool that a lot of people in our network use, and makes it really easy.

I would say another tip is to have a really good quality microphone. That's easy to do. But it's totally worth it. And also just setting up your space, I put it actually on our Instagram I posted in it's in the Instagram. So I made a little video of our room and how we set up our office for a really good sound. And that's really important. And so just extra curtains hanging around, we hung them up and made them into little closet pillows. It's ways to deaden sound, little things you can get on Amazon put on the ceiling that absorbs that is huge. And it's really easy. So that's really important for sound quality, because if people don't like the sound quality, I know that our son won't listen to it. So we've been told so sound quality, audio, you can farm out.

The other thing about the podcast is right, you have to figure out how to get it up to whatever platforms you're going to use. And then you have to write a little description. I like writing, so it's not bad. I mean, it's pretty easy to just write a brief description. I don't know what you do, but I just write a few paragraphs and link things and it's pretty easy to do.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: It's been interesting because we complement each other so well. I think, just even in our dialogue, but even in what our strengths are. Like May’s a writer, I'm not a writer, but I can talk continuously to the ad nauseum as they would say. And so the content creation part from our perspective is never was never at least so far has not really been a huge challenge because there's just always so many ideas and you will see something at work or someone will ask us a question do something about this or, and so that part has been the real joy. Because I've wanted to do something creative for a long time. I felt kind of

You know, stifled in corporate medicine from a creative perspective. And so this has just been a wonderful outlet to do that. And we said, look sure if it earns us money, if it allows us to build a business, that would be great. That would be the icing on the cake. But honestly, just the creative part of it has just been so freeing for us and liberating. You talk about that emotional freedom that's been here.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: As far as actual content creation, and I don't have any tips on that, I would say that everybody's got something unique to say. And it took me even a long while to sort of figure it out. I'd be like, who wants to listen to this 50 Something lady that does country medicine, and she's an empty nester and just family practice, but doesn't have any crazy. She's an academic, whatever. And then I'm like, Well, gosh, when you think about things in my life and what we've gone through, I mean, that in itself is unique. Plus, everybody's story is different. And people have different interests. Whether it's a medicine podcast, a financial podcast, you want to talk about, say, just migraines or living with lupus, or over overcoming burnout, or I mean, there's always more of that, or just supporting other people, or like Tim said if you are left handed, and do left handed, you could do a whole show on cool stuff. I mean, so there's definitely a niche for all kinds of stuff. And so figure out your niche, because that makes it more interesting. And then is it just going to be you talking? Are you going to have guests on? Both? At first, I thought, Oh, we're doomed, because it's just us talking. And we need to have guests to make it more interesting, but interviewing is a skill that I learned, like, oh learning to interview is a skill in itself. So I really appreciate people that have great podcasts and interview well. So if you're going to do that, learn up on some techniques.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: Well, it's interesting, because if you listen to Rogan, you don't ask very many questions. He's an expert at letting the guests carry the show. Yeah. And then you'd like to join.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: So, yeah, those that's the, I guess the first things that pop in my head.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, I found that the technical aspects and just learning is like, there wasn't a skill in, in and of itself social media and all the different platforms, and just learning how to record and you mentioned sound, and video and lighting. So all of those, but it's a very valuable skill set for creators, and it's a very viable way for your marketing, education, and getting to your clients. So all of those tips and resources that you mentioned are all very valuable.

In terms of guests, what's been some of your challenges or tips and tricks and getting guests and getting them on the show, and in creating the vibe and the content?

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: It's interesting, because our vibe is looser, as you could probably tell, but we've had some really serious stuff. The series we did on the opioid epidemic, I'm actually really, really proud of, because we started from kind of the medical part and how the medical system let essentially the country down. And then until the second wave with fentanyl, and we interviewed a family that we have known for decades who lost a son to fentanyl. That was incredibly powerful. We just kind of opened up and said, look

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: I think a lot of people would just look in your backyard, your neighbor, look where you're at locally, first, as far as finding guests

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: And then and then from there. It was amazing, because when we interviewed Ben Westhoff, who wrote Fentanyl Inc, I mean, this guy actually posed as a drug dealer and went to China and went to the actual lab.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: So tell him sort of how we got that. Yes.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: And we got that connection, because we had interviewed this family that were friends of ours who had this terrible tragedy. And they read the book, he read the book twice, the father of this deceased child, and he just reached out to Ben and he said, what happened? I I read your book twice. It's really good. You got to talk to my friends that are doctors bla, bla, bla, and Ben's like, Yeah, sure. I'm totally down for it. Yeah.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: And then with Dr. McCullough, how did you get a hold of him?

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: So I actually talked about investing. I was on one of my on one of my COVID Penny stocks, somebody posted a video, then it was Peter McCullough, testifying to the Texas State House. And he's been really passionate about how we've really been derelict as physicians in trying to treat patients early with COVID and just relying solely on the vaccines. And I was like, well, here's somebody that's doing something different, but is really rational and has impeccable credentials with regards to his scholarship. So I just emailed him, I said, all he could say was no, right? I mean, if you don't ask, nothing happened.

And I emailed him and said, hey we do this podcast, it's called the spnd wife on our family doctors, I was blown away by your testimony in Texas, and he's like, I'd be delighted. That's the text like,

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Oh, that's awesome.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: we've been pretty bold about just asking people that we've reached out to someone else. Tim wanted to do a talk on risk all series on risk. I haven't heard back from some of these people. But like you say, you can always reach out and ask, because all that's gonna happen is nothing. But if you don't, then all that's gonna happen is nothing for sure. So there's that, I think, then once you make a connection, there's always someone else that they might know or recommend. The doctor podcast network itself has been valuable, obviously, for getting connections and names of people, because some people are better for some people's shows than others, or they'll go on multiple shows, or someone in our network will know someone. So that's helpful. The other thing is, we have just signed up . It's kind of like a dating site for podcasters.

When you put whether you want to be a guest on someone's show, or you are looking for your host, and you're looking for people to come on as guests. So you can and you can be both. And you fill in all your information, the name of your podcast, and what it's about, and what kind of guests you're looking for, and the vibe and how you'd proceed and ask all kinds of questions, and you can put pictures, and then it literally you can do the free version and literally matches you, it scores you with someone, I think you get two free matches per day.

Paid version, it's multiple, and you can search around in there. So that's pretty cool. And I know that someone in our podcast network has found guests on there, too. So there's these kinds of ways I think, maybe

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: we got three guests out of the physician side gigs on Facebook. Oh, nice. Yeah they heard that we're doing this, they listen, and then they reach out to you. They're like, hey we really liked what you had to say it was a really cool vibe. This is my story. And then you clean up, you click on some of these and you're like, well, you're like 10 times better than me.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: So yeah, the other places on Facebook. The physician groups on Facebook have been really pretty surprisingly good. Yeah, I use Instagram as well. But it's almost more, I don't find it as good as connecting with people in a one on one conversation that you can do in Facebook groups. So that's my bias. But that's kind of where we've been looking and more I've gotten beaten people so far.

Oh, and then as far as problems, okay, well, so we have a really bad internet where we live. And we've learned that we cannot record audio and video at the same time. Because we wanted to do this and record it and possibly use it for our YouTube channel as well. But where we live is just basically like dial up, if anybody even is old enough on on, dial up is bad. So we frag just with a couple of our interviews to the point where, like, the system crashed in the lab for 10 minutes, and we couldn't even use our phones. So you need to make sure you do have a good internet and it can handle your audio and video capabilities. Most people are probably not rural like us and living off the edge of the grid. But we go to my dad's in town now honestly, to do it, because it's bad.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: We're gonna start a fasting and prayer vigil for Starlink to get here as fast as possible. So I'm waiting for that to show up.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: So we've had problems like that, or people who have never used squadcast and aren't sure how to turn off things or mute things in the background. And you can hear their baby screaming and it's just that's all fun. I mean, I don't get uptight about it, but there's just stuff like that.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, that's such invaluable advice. I know you had some advice for the viewers because this is a podcast for finances. So you want to share things not to do? I know you had some thoughts about that. So feel free to let viewers know your thoughts and ideas.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: Well, on the podcasting side, you're not going to get rich right away doing podcasts not gonna be broken. We made our first check in. So for January, we got our first check in February and it was two digits.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: Zero digit. Yes. So as far as the finance thing, I think from a physician perspective and a physician couple perspective, yeah, I think the, I think the most important thing, to not do is to not listen to your hype. So everyone around us and we, we live in a smaller town, but we have people here that have run very successful businesses, especially in the logging industry. And, and even those folks who I'm sure their net worth is an order of magnitude more than ours are like, well, they can buy whatever they want, because they're both doctors, and I'm like, No, it doesn't work that way.

Running a business that's been in business for 50 years is probably far more successful than anything I'm going to produce in five years. And so you, the tremendous amount of self sort of the delay gratification, you go through in medical training, and then we're like, Okay, now we're rich. Well, no, you're not. Now you've graduated residency, and you're starting a job. And you have, you actually have negative net worth, and but you have decent cash flow. And, and, and understanding those concepts, and leveraging those to your advantage is critically important. And so we went through several years of.

I was more of a, I'd save up and buy something big. May was told you can ever buy anything.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: Yeah, as a kid, I had to save all my money to get through school. And so it save, save, save, literally, like 10 years or more of saving, and going through residency where you don't spend can’t spend.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: I mean, there was a point where, before we had kids where I'd see all these like, shoe boxes every time I came, Pottery Barn and Zappos and there was no Amazon thing showing up, store, buy that, then I'm gonna buy this. And then before you know it, you're like, what are we doing?

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: Yeah, so it was the whole problem with delayed gratification. And now the volcano blows. For me, that was huge. So having that, as someone starting out, even just knowing that and having a plan, and we didn't really have a plan, the only plan back in our day, from what we required, with our family from a different generation was just the pay yourself, put some money away, pay yourself first with a 10% Saving was the rule. It’ll all work out. I mean, well, it's not quite that simple. Yes, we did that. And I thought I'll we'll put the 10% away. And we'll just do whatever we want with the rest, however we want it. And then when I'm 50, I'll just retire from medicine, I had this number in my head. I'm now almost 55. And I'm still not retired. We're doing really well. Now, because we've really cleaned things up. But we didn't have a plan.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: It's also amazing, when you really plan, how quickly you can turn the ship around. Yes, I mean, personal finance, especially for physicians you can get yourself in enough trouble that you're trying an aircraft carrier, it's gonna take a really long time. But really, if you really buckle down and plan, it's the plan that saves you. More like a speedboat, turning.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: I think at one point, I mean, I'm going to be really honest, without sharing numbers. I mean, we just had a lot of debt that we could take care of if we had to, but it was just, we had loans, home loans, car loans, we were happy taking the kids places, like yeah, we can afford to do this, we can get a line of credit because, we were living fine. It wasn't like we're scraping by paycheck to paycheck. But then at one point, I'm like, Look at all this negative, like this debt, it was just like, it just felt dirty. And so then it really was like, Okay, we got to make a plan. How can we make this right? It was just stop it. You can do it, even though it looks like a huge mountain to overcome.I would say all you have to do is say okay, we're gonna stop contributing to the negative. And then the B word which I know a lot of people hate, the Budget word, just like the diet word, is really not a bad word. It is really just planning and is actually since we started that faithfully, freeing because you can just see where things are going.

And Tim's right you can turn the ship totally around really pretty quickly. And go, Oh my gosh, we're doing so well. But you need to have a plan and you need to not do the big bad things. It's not a plan.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: It was interesting. We were at a we were at a charity golf event and they had Darren Clarke was there who was a professional golfer from Ireland, actually. And he said, you know the difference between recreational golfers and pro golfers is, recreational golfers play from the tee to the green, pros play from the green to the tee. And that really actually struck me because when you think about anything in life, and you think from a financial perspective, okay, if I want to retire at 45, if I wanna retire at 55, if I want to retire at 70, those are different holes. But unless you know what retirement at x age means, you cannot plan correctly, you have to start with the end goal in mind.

And we're like, Okay, well, we'll save money. And then we'll get to whatever age and we'll just have enough money. Well, if you don't know what that means, it affects how you take vacation, it affects how big of a house you have, it affects what other other things you spend disposable income on, and it affects how you invest, I mean, wildly. And so, that one is

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: just being aware and having a plan. And we didn't, I would say that we sort of had our head in the sand for that. I mean, we were following.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: We're doing the 401k stuff. And we did that mostly correctly. We know we paid ourselves first, we did the greatest thing you can ever do from a financial perspective as a physician, which is not to get divorced.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Oh, yeah. Right. Exactly. Yeah. That's huge. Divorce. Yeah.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: We did those two things. We probably built too much house, too soon, too soon. But then we stayed in it. We didn't keep moving.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: And this is the only house we've ever owned. So there's what I know from hearing talks, that is very, very, very rare. We came out of residency and found our place we wanted to live and this has been our forever house that we bought the property and added on. And we've been here for 28 years. Almost. Yeah. So I know, that's very rare. But it worked out okay. But the house trap is another thing we see happening to people as well. As well as the car thing. I mean, yeah, that's a nice car.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: And so I like old collector cars, and they go up in value. I don't mind driving a 12 year old used car to work. Because I'd rather put that into my toys that if I had to I can liquidate and actually recoup.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: Yeah, well, I would say now, looking back I mean, I can laugh and tell you more stories about all the dumb things I did all the 0% interest credit cards that used to be available and just keep rolling them from one to the next. And, but to have a plan and to do that, like Tim said about kind of having an idea where you want to go? And so how do you get there? You got to work back? Like what's it gonna take to retire if you're 55? Or 50? And do you want a million? you want 10 million? And so how do you get that and divvy it up and walk back?

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: I prefer 10.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: And find a financial planner advisor, some place that you trust that has good advice, start with listening to what I did, and what changed our lives was actually a podcast actually. First podcast I ever listened to is where I've found it. And I'm going to plug it in because I love financial residency. That changed my thinking. And I'm like, this all makes sense. Like I've listened to some of the others wherever you will know, in financial people and in the world. And I'm like, this just sounds just cruel. What they tell people to do is to carry cash in my wallet and book a hotel ticket.

So find somebody, though, that you grew up with that makes sense to you? And follow the steps and come up with the plan. Yeah, better than nothing.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: I love that. I love the idea of planning, habits and discipline saving. So you guys touched up on that. And it looks like you guys are doing well. And now you're sharing and giving that advice back. So I love that. So Dr. Tim and Dr. May, I have really enjoyed having you on my podcast and hope to have you on future episodes. And what is one last tip that you want to share with viewers before we conclude tonight?

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: Yeah I think the one thing I really appreciate about what you shared at the beginning, was the emotional freedom. Because sometimes we don't give ourselves permission for that. And through budgeting, through discipline, through all that, you still gotta have fun. Otherwise, what are you saving money for? Yeah, for me, that was a big deal. I mean, I was always the reason our old email was fundocs, because we'd go to the Columbia Gorge and windsurf every single weekend before we had kids. I mean, for me that's a critical piece to the puzzle.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, it's awesome. How can viewers get in contact with you? through your podcast or through your social media or email, feel free to let viewers know.

Dr. May Hindmarsh, MD: So a couple ways is our website is You could go on there and we actually have an email associated with which is doc[at] they can email us. We're also on Facebook, BsFreeMD and Instagram as well. But the easiest way is through email and Facebook.

And then we're on all the major platforms. Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, excetera. Yeah, we have a great time. We'd love to share it with you.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Yeah, awesome. And to the viewers, all the resources mentioned will be in the show notes as well as the contact information. So thanks so much for being on the show. Thanks for dropping all those golden nuggets of wisdom and we look forward to collaborating in the future.

Dr. Tim Hindmarsh, MD: Outstanding.

Both: Thank you so much.

Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD: Many thanks again for being here. If you’re new, you can find me online at Christopher H. Loo, MD-PhD, where I have links to other episodes or links to online resources that will support you on your financial literacy journey. I’ll see you there in on next week’s show. While I bring you thoroughly vetted information on this show regarding a variety of financial topics, I cannot promise you a one size fits all solution. This is why I caution you to continue to learn. Educate yourself and seek professional advice unique to your situation. If you want to talk to me, I welcome it. Please reach out via my website or email a I read and personally respond to all of my emails. Talk soon!


Editor's note: This transcript has been edited for brevity and clarity.


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